First Growth
Regular price $13.95
Regular price $13.95

This is a laser cut ornament made of solid reclaimed Douglas fir salvaged from pre-1940’s homes being torn down in Vancouver. Measures approx. 3.5” tall, 3/16” thick.


🌲 Featured on HGTV worst to first, let’s welcome @firstgrowthreclaimed to the Wildflowers fam.

🌲 Repurposing old growth Douglas Fir from 1940’s homes that are being torn down in Vancouver. READ THAT AGAIN!

🌲 Christmas ornaments don’t always have to be sprayed in chemicals and plastic. They can be simple, natural, and beautiful. Let’s choose holiday presents to everyday actions that hurt our planet a little less. Pre order these tonight at 8pm as this stock arrives soon and won’t last long!

#wcwildflowers #vancity #repurposed #repurposedfurniture #douglasfir #supportthemakers #christmas #ornaments #holidaydecor #present #natural #lowwaste #lowwasteliving #loweastelifestyle

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