There are many, many uses for the small round baskets, tabletop storage, gift baskets and bathroom toiletries are just a few. These baskets can vary in size but are approximately 8 inches X 6 inches. This is a single handle basket style.
Big Blue Moma Baskets ship flat and may require reshaping when they arrive. To do this dip them in water and shape them with your hands.
"Natural Palette" refers to baskets with more earth tones, Natural, Natural & Black, Natural & Navy
"Supernatural Palette" refers to baskets with black handles and natural tones
Our photos indicate possible selection and the wide variety of possibilities we have had available. They are not necessarily and accurate depiction of our current inventory.
While we make every effort to supply our customer with the colour palettes they choose we can not guarantee 100% accuracy with colour selection-but we really try.